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About Platincoin

What is special about the Technology of Platincoin?

The PLC-Secure box is one of the first possibilty to store the private key offline, which is need to lock a transaction. In the usual mining there are the miners who are collecting free code fragments in running through the protocal to book them into the accounting book names Blockchain. In this case computers getting paid.

What is now happening with the premined coins in case of Platincoin?

In the case of Platincoin there will be existing 500 Millions at all. There are 100 Million Coins getting sell through the ICO. All other coins are getting stored by the enterprise to buy precious metal for a back-up plan.

Now there is coming the PLC Secure-Box in game. The traditional Blockwallet of Platincoin is sending a transaction to the Box, which is till now off-chain. In the case the coin is getting to there, a action is happen. The Platinbox is coming to life. She is now online. The PLC – Box is bringing in the next step the stored public-key from a cloud down to the transaction . The cload is connecting to our enterprise, the platincoin-AG. Then the Secure-Box is remarking here, to which part the transaction has to be connect on the chain. It's going automatically to the beginning Block-cattle.

The Box knows the amount of coins who the owner of the box has got in his ownership. You can buy the PLC-Coin NOW. There are only a few PLC-boxes and many transaction over the Blockchain are passing about this nodes. Therefore the PLC Box must be able to take the exercise of a booking storager, to bring new transaction to the end of the cattle. If you have more coins in the beginning it is more propable that the Plc-Box is matching you specific transaction. The PLC-Boxes are betweens each other under a competition. For this reason there is a increasing of the coins. This happening in the correlation to the amount of your coins.

To remember the booking of a transaction is only possible if the public key and the private key are getting thogheter in a transaction. To get the impact it has to be clear that the PlC Box can generate 10 % new coins per year. If you have got 1000 Platincoins. You get at the end of the year 100 Platincoins more. If the Coin has a value of 10 $ in the end of the year. You getting 10.000 $ out of it. It can be only generate coins in the assumption that the PLC Secuirity Box is online. Besides your coins are save. The process of PLC calls minting instead of mining.


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